Recently, a lack of activity brought about by injury and general laziness has spurred me into finally getting myself off my arse and doing something.
So... whilst raking up the hours at work i have managed to get myself sent home early for the last two Wednesdays! whoop! This gave me time to get down the beach and do some surfing. Maybe when i find a beach buddy i can get them to take a snapshot to put up and prove i can surf!
As well as beaching it I've discovered and urge to get myself fit again. Whilst the soccer season is out i need to work hard to stay in shape. Too much drinking will take its toll! So besides finding a group fitness session to throw myself into, Ive decided to take up something that will push my mind and my body while i also learn how to defend myself.
Traditional Japanese Jujitsu.
I've always been fascinated by the Samurai. The skill, dedication and way of life. So i thought why not take up something I'm interested in and jujitsu was the samurai's way of defending himself when unarmed on the battlefield. This may be handy on the apparently dangerous streets of Northbridge.. HA!
It's hard. I can usually pick things up very quick. But this requires practice, dedication and patience. I want to take this seriously... lets hope i can stay focused. I also get to train with weapons. Who doesn't want an excuse to have a real samurai sword?
Anyways. Work Work Work as per usual. Lets hope this weekend holds something a bit more exciting.
i love everything japan related!