Monday, September 13, 2010

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na....

Amongst seeing heaps of my favourite peoples ever the past two weeks, I've also been spending time doing what i love best. Fighting crime. By day I'm your average Joe. By night I'm the caped crusader himself.

That's right...don't act like you're not impressed. Unfortunately the bat mobile was still in the garage, so we had to get on the bat bus.

The last two weekends have been adrenaline pumped and full of pain. Went paint balling twice and what a time we had. Daring hit and runs, rushing through smoke and avoiding grenades. The first week we destroyed everything in our path, storming buildings and bunkers alike. None made it out alive.

This sunday however the mood was lighter, but we still kicked arse. Well, we had to...

When you are dressed like this, its do or die. Even though we were walking targets, Batman and Robin recieved players of the day; often dashing through air thick with paint bullets on suicide runs to capture flags. Brilliant times. But you come back with some nice bruises, even through the muscles... (which are real ofcourse).

Just one more week of frantic socialising before i fly from home here to home in oz. Looking forward to it, but another couple of weeks here would have been nice.

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